Cheek Dimple Creation
Dimples on cheeks are considered cute by many. The demand for surgically created dimples is increasing. Cheek dimple creation is a safe and effective surgery and is done under local anesthesia as a day care procedure. Results are permanent. Dimple creation surgery can be done on any type or size cheek. You can decide where the dimples will be, or you can have Dr. Marlon Lajo decide with you where the most optimal place for the dimples should be on your face.
Dimple creation surgery can be done with nothing more than local anesthesia. You will be awake and comfortable during the entire dimple surgery process. Special arrangements can be made if you would rather be asleep for the dimple creation surgery. Dimple creation surgery is safe and effective. There are minimal complications with dimple formation aside from a little bit of swelling and bruising. You should be able to resume your normal activities the following day. You will take antibiotics for only a couple of days after your dimple creation surgery.