When is plastic / cosmetic / aesthetic surgery beneficial to patients
Not all are good candidates to undergo plastic surgery. Those that will benefit are those that have reasonable expectation, those who have good physical and mental status, those who felt the presence of signs of aging that the plastic surgeon believes can be surgically corrected , those with supportive family members.
What trigger some people to consider plastic surgery?
These people are those that have had observation of a friend who has undergone good result cosmetic / aesthetic plastic surgery. Self criticism and realization of signs of aging and the need for self-enhancement that may pave the way for career advancement will trigger these people to seek consult with the plastic surgeon. Some believe that a social relationship with a younger person would be enhanced by a more youthful appearance.
Who are not good candidates for plastic, aesthetic, cosmetic surgery?
- Patients who have difficulty with describing or delineating the changes they desire
- Patients who feel that their deformities are greater than they actually are
- Patients with unrealistic expectations
- Patients with severe mental or physical health problems who are poor surgical risks
- Patients who are addicted to cigarettes, alcohol and /or drugs
- Patients with nonsupportive family members
- Patients who are overly concerned about minimal defects
- Patients who are too demanding or direct the physician about what to do and how to do it
- Patients who have previously undergone surgery by another physician with less than desirable results and are antagonistic and defensive.
What elements comprise the initial aesthetic facial surgery consultation?
- Evaluation and discussion of the patient’s desires as well as current and past medical history,
- Thorough physical examination, which is best done with the patient comfortably seated in front of a large mirror with appropriate lighting. In adition, a reversing mirror maybe used to demonstrate to patient to the patient their actual appearance than the image that they see in a standard mirror.
- Consideration of appropriate laboratory and radiographic tests to determine general health status. If a specific medical problem becomes apparent, consultation with the patient’s physician should be done.
- Visual examination, including acuity, Schirmer test (if indicated), and visual fields(if indicated).
- Photographic documentation of preoperative status.
- Patient education: videotapes, instructional brochures, ddiscussion of arrangements for surgery with the office staff(patient coordinator, nurse, secretary)
What signs of facial aging are correctable by aesthetic rejuvenative surgery?
- Sag and laxity of the skin of the cheeks and neck
- Prominence of nasolabial folds
- Deepening of the nasolabial and perioral commissural creases
- Formation of jowls with laxity and sag of the facial skin over the border of the mandible, causing the jaw line to become less distinct.
- Formation of rhytids in various areas of the face
- Atrophy of the skin and subcutaneous adipose tissues
- Ptosis of the tissues of the anterior aspect of the chin.
Is an ophthalmologic consultation required for all patients before undergoing aesthetic rejuvenation of the eyelids?
No, unless the patient is found to have a previously unknown defect in visual acuity or tear production or an anatomic deformity is discovered on physical examination that may require further ophthalmologic testing or treatment.
Is an ophthalmologic consultation required for all patients before undergoing aesthetic rejuvenation of the eyelids?
No, unless the patient is found to have a previously unknown defect in visual acuity or tear production or an anatomic deformity is discovered on physical examination that may require further ophthalmologic testing or treatment.
Is there an age at which the patient is “too old” to undergo facial rejuvenative plastic cosmetic surgery?
No, as long as the patient’s general mental and physical health status are deemed satisfactory.
How long do the results of facial rejuvenative plastic surgery last?
The answer depends not only on the general health status of the patient but also on the age at which the procedure is performed. Usually foreheadplasties and eyelidplastiess do not need to be repeated, facialplasties/facelifts are considered to last for 8-10 years.