Philippine Daily Inquirer – Mindanao
Across the Nation
Sunday – June 28, 2009 Page: A13
Recent events have put a spotlight on the surgical procedure called LIPOSUCTION.
Last weekend, a statement was made through media implying that there is no requirement for formal training for liposuction because there is no body or board that accredits one to perform liposuction.
Such statement is misleading and may have dangerous consequences for patients who continue to have the procedure performed by inadequately trained doctors all over the country.
The country’s accrediting bodies do not certify doctors for specific procedures, but rather, for the practice of either medicine or surgery. To be specialist accredited to practice surgery and perform surgical procedures, a physician must complete a surgical residency training program accredited by the Philippine College of Surgeons (PCS). To be a specialist surgeon duly accredited by the PCS to perform a specialized surgical procedure such as liposuction, one must be a board certified surgical specialist in Plastic Surgery. One can therefore be assured that liposuction and other cosmetic surgery procedures are safely and competently performed by properly trained, board certified PLASTIC SURGEONS.
Since 1961, the Philippine Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (PAPRAS) has been overseeing the accredited training and certification of qualified plastic surgeons in the Philippines. PAPRAS is the only specialty society duly recognized by the Philippine College of Surgeons (PCS) and the Philippine Medical Association (PMA) as the specialty society of Plastic Surgery, which encompasses both Reconstructive and Aesthetic (Cosmetic) Surgery.
The training of a plastic surgery resident includes the intricacies of reconstructive surgery and the refinements of cosmetic surgery (i.e. liposuction, noselift, eyebag surgery, facelift, breastlift, tummy tuck, to name a few). After a rigorous formal residency training, they are subject to qualifying examinations to become Board Certified. It does not end there, however. PAPRAS members are subject to continuing peer evaluation, and are admonished to adhere only to the highest standards of SAFE and COMPETENT surgical care, while following a strict code of ethics.
All physicians have a responsibility under the Hippocratic Oath to first and foremost, do no harm to their patients. In specialized procedures, this means proper training and adherence to a code of professional ethical behavior. Since to date there are no local laws prohibiting any licensed physician from practicing any form of medicine or surgery, PAPRAS has assumed the moral responsibility to inform, educate and safeguard the public and patients. It is our duty to remind the public that specialized procedures should be performed only by adequately trained and board certified specialists.
We in PAPRAS commit ourselves to provide all patients with adequately trained and Board Certified Plastic Surgeons who adhere only to the highest standards of SAFE and COMPETENT surgical care, and proper ethical conduct.
The Philippine Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons 3rd floor, PCS (Philippine College of Surgeons) Bldg, EDSA, QC.