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This is done to restore youthful appearance of one’s backside. Somehow it balances our total body figure. A flat or poorly developed backside can be enhanced to create a more full and rounded look. There are several ways the look can be accomplished: through implants or through fat grafting. With buttock implant surgery, the implant is rounded, anatomically similar to a teardrop or oval, and shaped like an egg. The implants are placed systematically between layers of muscle(Subgluteal) or even Sub or suprafascial. The use of fat grafting techniques has revolutionized the butt augmentation arena. In relation to implants, it is said to be safer and requires less downtime, in addition to surgery time. In using the grafting technique, the patient not only is able to use their own fat cells from their own body, but they in turn are able to have a modified liposuction. Fat is usually grafted from the stomach or the hips, and is inserted into the body through two small incisions, carefully layering in tunnels in the buttocks. In using your bodies own cells, in many cases the body absorbs a significant amount of the fat, and a second round of incisions may have to be made to achieve the desired look.
“Dr. Marlon Lajo prefers doing butt augmentation using a medical grade implants because the results are more predictable. In his several butt enhancement surgeries using butt implants, the patients were happy with result . They felt normal after operated sites were totally healed. Dr. Lajo warns everyone that butt enhancement by liquid injections have never been safe. One has to consult a real plastic surgeon, one who had formal surgical training (General Surgery and Plastic Surgery) before he or she contemplates to have the desired enhancement.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]