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Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is a surgical procedure that is performed to shape or modify the appearance of the eyelids. It may be performed purely to remove bagginess, fatty protrusions, and lax hanging skin around the eyes or to correct a “lazy” or blepharoptotic eyelid. Blepharoplasty also refers to the creation of lid creases on eyelids that have no visible infolding and a similar operation on eyelids with ill-defined or asymmetric folds. Traditionally, blepharoplasty denotes the remova of skin and perhaps a sliver of muscle from the upper lids, together with protruding or excessive orbital fat. On the lower lid, blepharoplasty suggests an elevation of skin-muscle flaps and removal of skin, muscle, and/or fat.
Since its inception, traditional blepharoplasty has been touted as the procedure to brighten and refresh the eye region. Commonly it fails miserably in this quest. Failure comes from two sources: (1) poor design of the blepharoplasty surgical procedure, which was conceived for a static model rather than the dynamic tissues of the human face and (2) poor patient selection.
In the Phillipines, “ eyebag removal”, “slit eye”, and “ deep set” also refer to Blepharoplasty.
Blepharoplasty important terms:
Blepharoplasty: Eyelid surgery to improve the appearance of upper eyelids, lower eyelids or both
Ectropion: When the lower eyelid is rolled outward after eyelid surgery; often a temporary condition.
General anesthesia: Drugs and/or gases used during an operation to relieve pain and alter consciousness.
Hematoma: Blood pooling beneath the skin.
Intravenous sedation: Sedatives administered by injection into a vein to help you relax.
Local anesthesia: A drug injected directly to the site of an incision during an operation to relieve pain.
Transconjunctival incision: Incision hidden inside the lower eyelid.
Skin resurfacing: Treatment to improve the texture, clarity and overall appearance of your skin.
Sutures: Stitches used by surgeons to hold skin and tissue together.